How to Set Up and Decorate Your Home Office on a Budget

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How to Set Up and Decorate Your Home Office on a Budget

A tidy home workspace with a laptop, coffee and glasses on the desk.

Your environment plays a huge role in how you feel and ultimately how well you focus throughout the day. Luckily, it doesn’t take a lot of money (or even effort) to create a healthy, creative workspace right at home. Here are some adjustments you can make to stay focused and feel inspired.

Designate your own personal space

If you’ve been working from home for a while, chances are you’ve probably already done this. But if you’re new to the WFH life, the first step in creating a distraction-free work zone is by simply designating your own space. This could mean your bedroom desk or a corner of your kitchen table if your home doesn’t have a designated office space.

What matters is that it’s a distraction-free area where you’ll be able to focus all day long! If you have kids, roommates, and/or pets, consider choosing a spot that’s tucked away from high-traffic areas so there’s no background noise when you’re on calls. Of course, designating a spot as your workspace doesn’t mean you’ll be stuck there all day. But when it comes time to finish up a big project or meet with a big client, you’ll take comfort in knowing you have the perfect spot picked out to get things done.

a man at his home office desk situated next to large windows

Soak in the sun

If natural light was something you loved about your office, be sure to prioritize it while creating your new setup. And if you didn’t have access to natural light before, now’s the time to add it to your new workspace! Research shows access to natural light in the office has several health benefits and actually supports productivity. While you’re picking your designated spot, try to position yourself close to a window that lets in plenty of sunshine. Your brain will thank you!

If you don’t have a convenient place to set up by a window, artificial sunlight bulbs and lamps are readily available and make a good alternative.

Declutter & get organized

This one is key for productivity! While some knickknacks and loose paperwork are fine to have on your desk, too much clutter can cause stress and distract you from really focusing on your work. So, if you’ve already been working in a somewhat messy environment, dedicate an hour or two to organize the stuff on and around your desk and immediate workspace. You’ll want to toss the items you forgot were there, and sort out away the essentials that have been sitting around for a while.

If you’re still prepping your work area, consider investing in cubbies or cabinets that can house your essential work materials. These can often be found at local thrift or consignment stores, so you won’t have to spend a fortune getting your home office in tip-top shape.

A home office desk decorated with a vase of pink roses, a gold lamp and a framed quotation.


Now for the fun part. After you’ve selected (or improved upon) your ideal workspace, it’s time to get crafty with home office decorations on a budget. Surround your workspace with happy, cheerful colors and inspiring decoration to keep yourself motivated and positive all day. Here are some projects or items that will give your workspace personal flair and extra inspiration:

Painted canvasses: Get creative and spend some time painting a favorite inspirational quote or unique pattern. You’ll gain the benefits of mindfulness while painting, too!

Plants (of course): Upcycled succulent planters are one creative way to add some color and vibrancy to your workspace. The color and calming presence of plants make for a great addition to your desk and will help keep your mood boosted during the day.

Thrifted trinkets: Spend time browsing through a local thrift or consignment shop to find hidden treasures that will complement your room’s unique style.

Picture frames: Keep a couple of photos on your desk of happy memories or goals you have to work towards. Seeing happy faces of the people you love, or places you’d love to travel to one day will help you stay happy and focused throughout the workday.

Getting used to working from home can be difficult at first. But with a mindfully selected and decorated workspace, you’ll find that focusing and staying productive can be just as easy to achieve as it was in the office. If you’re searching for one-of-a-kind furniture or accents that will make your home office truly yours, stop by your local Turn Style! Each location is full of unique, budget-friendly items.

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