How to Stage Like a Pro: Part 1 - Turn Style

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How to Stage Like a Pro: Part 1

Have you ever gone to an open house and everything just looks so perfect? Well, that’s largely due to the beauty of staging! (It’s also partially due to the lack of children and/or messy partners in the home, but we’re not writing a blog about that.) Staging has become so popular in recent years that it’s emerged as its own industry. And there’s a good reason for that! Professional stagers are trained to maximize potential, selecting the most appropriate furniture and decor to compliment the design of a room. While furniture and decor work hand-in-hand to create that ‘wow’ factor, part one of this blog will focus on just the furniture choices that’ll make you — you guessed it — stage like a pro!

Now, when we say ‘stage’ like a pro, we’re not talking about maximizing potential for buyers. We’re talking about maximizing potential for you! After all, it would be a shame if you only realize your home’s potential when you’re preparing to sell.

So, that being said, let’s talk furniture! Just like staging can help a house reach its full potential, poor furnishing can take away from both the aesthetics and flow of your home. It can be easy to take a few missteps here, especially with oversized, mismatched, or misplaced furniture. It happens to everybody — you have furniture from your old home that doesn’t quite fit your new space, you’re just not sure how to utilize a room, or you settle for the ‘function over form’ mentality.

But there’s good news — you don’t have to live this way! You don’t have to settle for subpar furnishings! Here’s a few tips on how to choose and place your furniture, giving you that perfectly staged look:

A wall is pictured behind a couch, featuring a shallow cabinet, several houseplants and some artwork hanging up.

Consider the Focal Point

Ask yourself, “What’s the focal point of this room?” Maybe it’s a cozy fireplace. Maybe it’s a beautiful set of windows, a welcoming bed, or even a space on the wall for your TV. Whatever it is, recognize the focal point and build the furniture out from there. This approach will give each room a clear and defined purpose by emphasizing its main feature in a smart, functional way. You’re welcome.

Assess the Space

Once you’ve determined your room’s focal point, it’s time to start envisioning the layout. How do people need to move around in the room? What does the space need to function? What sort of furniture options would facilitate these needs?

Okay, we’re done asking questions (for now). But these are important things to think about! Once you start to answer these questions, great layouts will come to fruition. For example, let’s say you’d like to add some seating near your fireplace. Using a full couch may block the fireplace, creating an awkward layout functionally and visually. But, by adding one or two chairs to either side, the fireplace will be complimented without getting blocked off.

A wooden dining room set sits atop a chevron-patterned rug, with a modern wood-toned chandelier hanging overhead.

Consider The Materials

When browsing items, take a minute to think about the functionality of different furniture materials. What’s important to you? The airiness of glass tables or the durability of wood? The richness of leather chairs or the longevity of canvas?

Don’t worry, there’s no right or wrong answer here! It’s all about personal preference, but it’s good to make some logistical considerations before your purchase. After all, we want you to be thrilled with your furniture choices for years to come.

Once you’ve figured out the type of furniture you’re looking for, you’re ready for the best part — the shopping!

Find the Styles You Love at Turn Style

Now we’ll focus on the fun stuff — exploring all the excitement and possibility that Turn Style has to offer!

You’ll find all sorts of colors and styles sure to get your creative juices flowing. Find something you love, and you’ll be able to make it work! Don’t let your inhibitions get the best of you. If you’re still unsure, circle back to the beginning stages of the process we’ve outlined. How could this item fit in? Or, better yet, how can you make this item fit in?

If you really love the item enough, you can use it as inspiration to makeover the whole room! It’s not crazy to theme a room based off of one piece, trust us — designers do it all the time! Otherwise, if you don’t feel like doing an overhaul, it could serve as a wonderful accent piece. When your room is smartly configured, it won’t look random, but instead like a thoughtful feature. Tie it in with a few other items of a similar color or style, and boom! You’ve just staged like a pro.

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